TFP Shootings
work and photos
I f you are interested in getting pictures of you and / or you want to participate in certain shooting ideas: let’s make it happen!
I am always looking for new photo models, I am open for many shooting ideas, the main part is that it should be fun for both of us and give us some beautiful images!
In the end, approaching together “THE” image creates what I’m looking for: “honest” images. It’s fun to experiment together and tweak our images until they come as close as possible to our shared vision.
As a founding member, I have been using the amazing studio of the “Lichtschmiede München e.V.”: The association maintains one of the largest and best equipped studios within Munich.
Since I reduced my shootings a lot in the meantime, I am not using the studio anymore, working on location mostly or outdoors. For me it’s much more fun to have the diversity of different rooms, rather than the clean and sterile environment of a studio. Still, if we both want to, we can find a studio, e.g. of the Shaere or a rental one.
Since photography is purely a hobby for me and I don’t have to earn any money with it, the costs are shared if any arise. If the shooting involves no costs like renting a studio or a hotel room, there will be no cost for you.
If there are any, we will share the costs if you are able to pay your share. If you’re not, e.g. if you’re a student with no money, I’m happy to cover the cost alone.
Only if you want to have photos that you don’t want to have published by me, you should consider contributing some money for my time.
To make sure both sides are on the safe side, a typical model contract is signed before the shoot and both receive it.
HERE you can view, download and sign it already 😉. It serves to ensure that you get your pictures and I get the rights to the pictures (without them I would not be allowed to publish them).
Procedure of a shooting
Before a shoot there is usually a meeting to get to know each other or at least a phone session. During this meeting, ideas, clothing, as well as the type of shooting are discussed.
The shooting itself can take place in a studio, outdoor or “on location” (wherever ;-)).
After a shooting, the culling of the images, as well as the development of the digital raw data takes some time.
When this work is finished, you as a model will get all developed pictures in high resolution to download (secured), or even CD, if you still know what this is.
Advantages for both sides
A shooting is FREE for both of us and we both get to see the results of our work.
You get the photos that turned out well for free, private use.
I get the rights to the pictures, for example to exhibit them here on my website, on social media or to use them for my portfolio, exhibitions, or contests.
The commercial use of the pictures is usually excluded for both sides – it’s not about making money but about beautiful photos.
After prior consultation, individual images / series can also be excluded from publication – but only, if this has been included in the contract in advance.